this really works, thanks!

Thanks guys! I have been to the gym two days in a row thanks to you guys! This will continue into the work week, I promise.

I read this quote somewhere that said something like this, “Stop thinking about it and just put on your shoes and go!”. This was such a help to me, because I know my brain will find a reason why today isn’t a good day to go to the gym. So the sooner it turns into a habit, and the less you start to think about it, the easier making it to the gym everyday will get.

I know there are a lot of people thinking along the lines of, “This girl is just trying to bend to societies view of beauty, she doesn’t need to lose weight, she’s self centered, and vain”. Well guess what, I have been overweight, and I didn’t enjoy it! This is my decision, to live a long a healthy life with my husband. And if I look good during the process, then hell yeah! That doesn’t make me a vain and self-centered individual.

I saw this, and it gave me a great laugh, but I also totally  relate to it 🙂

Alright, now on to my workout!

I’m still following Sharefit’s summer shred workout, here’s the link.

I’m on day two today, so here’s what I did (all at 4 reps of 6-)8:

Day 2: Barbell Squats (on rack ), Barbell Deadlifts, Leg Press Machine, Calf Raises, Sumo Squats (on rack ), (4×25) 100 crunches

There were two other ab workouts on the agenda for today, but wheweee, this was difficult! So I left them out. I try to just listen to my body, and when it’s done, there’s no point pushing it and sacrificing good form. I did add a 10 min HIIT jogg to the beginning.

Yesterday I left out the incline barbell fly. This particular “kind” of exercise is my kryptonite. Anytime I have to deal with two free weights, going up…..this happens…

I wonder if I’ll ever get better at it? Tips?

Hubbs didn’t come with me today (obvious in the lack of pics) and can you believe I still went!!! I need to invest in an auto-timer camera…Or actually just a good digital cam, instead relying solely on my phone. Any recommendations?

Since I have been doing a lot more lifting today, I decided to eat some protein this morning. ( I KNOW I should’ve eaten just the egg white, but I’m a yolk kind of girl 🙂

I’ll see you at the gym tomorrow! 🙂


2 responses to “this really works, thanks!

  1. So glad to see you doing one of our workout plans! My name’s Matt, I’m the founder of Share It Fitness. We just launched our full site ( which has tons of workouts like these, along with hundreds of OnDemand video fitness classes. Think you’d really enjoy it….annd were still giving away free premium memberships during our beta period.

    Anyhow, give it a look and keep up the good work!!

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