homemade pizza, almonds, and SUCCESS!

Alright, so I started my friday out planning what ingredients to pick up from the shop. Hubbs was in the mood for some homemade pizza, so I needed to get quite a few things. I thought you guys might like to see the process.

So first you have to start out with the saucy goodness. I always do the sauce first so all of the herbs and spices can mingle around in there as long as possible. Here are all of the ingrediets for the sauce.

And here they are happily mingling 🙂

The recipe for this sauce can be found here.

Than I proceed on to the dough seeing as it needs time to double. During the ‘double-ing’ time, I’ll prepare toppings, etc. I just used Pizza flour which I bought here at the store, so all I had to do was add some yeast and warm water- voila! Easy peasy 🙂

Ok, so the dough is then set aside and covered so it can double.

Time to cook the chicken,chop the red onions, and crumble the blue cheese.

And here are the little chick’s in smaller “topping size”

Ok, by now we can roll out the dough and cook it without any toppings or dressing.

And there here it is after about 10 mins in the oven.

And now for the glory of toppings. Here they are before they go in.

And here’s the cheesy goodness after a couple of mins in the oven.


A little slice of heaven.

Speaking of heaven….

Almonds roasted in the microwave….oh em geee… SO good!

Super simple, first rinse the almonds in some water.

Drain the water, and pop them in the mic uncovered for about 4 minutes. Stopping at 2 mins to mix them up a bit.

Thats it!

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