skinnyish chicken parm


Ok, so here’s my skinnyish chicken parm.

What makes it skinny? Low fat mozz, very low sugar sauce, and

 light margarine for browning.

So first, we make the breadcrumb mixture. I can never find and italian flavored breadcrumbs here, so I just buy plain, and season them with whatever I like. Today I used “chili explosion” seasoning, garlic powder, basil, oregano, salt, pepp, and a dash of cayenne pepper. Ended up looking like so..

The next step I do is get the “dredging mixture” ready. I know the real skinny thing to do would be to only dip the chicken in egg, but I like for the chicken to have a little salty taste itself, so I mix about 1 tbsp low fat margarine with an egg white for dredging.

I was telling my friend the other day, that I don’t actually like the taste of chicken, so I get really thin cuts so whatever flavors I use really permeate the filet. I like to just taste the flavoring on the chicken and have the added bonus of low fat protein. So here are my tiny chicken filets being naughty, rolling around in the breadcrumbs. 🙂

AHHH I forgot the parm! As you can see, I just dumped the parm on the first batch in a freakout moment.

Don’ you worry, I made sure  they were all significantly parm’d. 🙂

Onto the frying (in lowfat margarine!!!)!

Ahhh I love when parm burns a bit, it has an amazing smell and taste!

Now, since these little chicks are so tiny, they only need to go in the oven for like 15 minutes to be full cooked.

Then you take them out and ‘dress’ them with sauce and cheese, and cook for another ten mins or so.

Hope you’ll enjoy them as much as me and Hubbs did 🙂

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